Black Swans for Halloween

If I must be say, I never really do much for Halloween. Sometimes I throw a party at home to get friends together, others I'm the attendee at a party. This time far away from the Halloween central in the states I found it quite surprising how Madrid also loves celebrating the feast. We had a party at a club so we thought why not, we'll give it a go. The trick was that it was a masquerade and costume party, which for us posed a tad of a dilemma in figuring out what to dress up as. In the end we came up with a quick and easy costume that combined both demands; Black Swan.
Luckily in Madrid we found masks that were perfect for the occasion in H&M, we put that together with a black bodysuit and as always our downstairs bazaar store came to the rescue and had our last minute tutu needs. After searching all over it was crazy to find the Chinese store downstairs was the winner in having our tutu's and thankfully in Black!
In the end we felt we managed to pull through for the party and ultimately had a blast hitting the dance floor in a tutu like in our childhood memories.
So what about you? What are you going to be for Halloween?
Wishing you a night full of treats,